We are a completely custom team that brings you the best experience. Our owners have an extensive knowledge of both management and website development. We use this to make us who we are!
Here is what Makes Nova Host Run
Hi! I am the Owner Of Nova-Host. The main goal is for everyone to have quality hosting for an affordable price. I bought the company back in 2018.
Hi! I am the COO of Nova Host and I am proud to be the COO of Nova Host. I joined the team to gain the expirence of co owning a hosting company and hopfully in the future, have my own hosting company. I am also a web developer with other companies in my name and i am happy that Nova Host is partially one of them!
Hi there! I am Austin, a minecraft development expert. I work at Nova Host to bring the best quality minecraft hosting and support to you guys! I'll devote all my time here, can't wait to see this sky rocket off into a good host!
Hello :), My name is Parker and I am the CMO here at Nova Host. I make sure people know about our awesome services here at Nova Host and I also help handle finding partnerships. My DMs are always open just message me on discord if you have any questions. Hope to see you soon!